Renerative Community Development
Getting to know you @ Regen Tulum organizers meeting - July 29, 2021
When I was a teen, I excitedly told my dad what I wanted to be when I grew up, I stammered and said “geography” instead of what I meant to say, geometry. In the end, both worked out. I studied geometry in architecture school and when I got my Masters degree, it was geodesign I studied, the geographic approach to urban design.
Now, I’ve found a new love, her name is Tulum. We’ve taken to one another, forming a quick bond and parenting a brand new baby together, conceived when we first met 9 months ago.
Had a very productive meeting with the other council members of Regen Tulum tonight which got me thinking about how to build small scale wastewater treatment systems while mapping their impact on the widescale development and waste problems the community faces as a whole. Looking forward to putting my geodesign skills to the test this fall as I continue mapping the heartbeat of Mother Earth as it feels in Tulum. We have launched the Regen Tulum decentralized directory. Video here. Feeling proud of all we’ve accomplished in the last two months.
Community design charrette + HOMEdash introduction @ Regen Tulum first public meeting - August 11, 2021
Outcome from today’s council meeting?
Environmental impact study… words which strike fear in the hearts of some, and passion in the hearts of others.
Guess which camp I’m in.
Excited about what’s to come!
Traveling in the USA now as I get setup for the analysis and design work which is about to come.
Falling in love with the art of listening to the land.
Letting her speak to me of wetlands and healing camps, waterfalls and cenotes, a world overflowing with teeming thriving life.
Jaguar whispers to me late at night… “The grandfathers know, find the ones who have come before and tend to their fires. They have medicine.”
Planning my immersion with the Indigenous Wisdom University and Elders Council this Winter as well.
Looking forward to working with them as my guide to understanding the love story of the affair between a Mother and her children as it plays out on the stage of the Yucatan, home to the ancient people of the rebellious sea.
Feeling devoted to answering Her call, the one which comes through friends and neighbors I meet along the way, clients and collaborators, mentors and advisors who share new and ancient technologies for a future which works for all.
I bow my head in gratitude.